Assisi Pax Mundi 2022 starts with an exceptional preview concert that wants to pay tribute to the composer Lorenzo Perosi in the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth.

The rendez-vous is on Saturday the 15th of October at 9 p.m. in the Saint Francis Upper Basilica. A rendez-vous that is a moment of meeting, mutual listening, respect and music: this is Assisi Pax Mundi’s aim. The choirs that are going to attend to the evening are: Corale “Porziuncola” (Assisi), “Laudensi Umbri” Choir (Spoleto), “Cantate Domino” Choir (Collazzone), “Cantoria Nova Romana” (Roma), the Youth Orchestra of the Conservatory “D. Cimarosa” of Avellino. The concert will be directed by Valentino Miserachs Grau with the participation of the tenor Simone Giannoni; at the organ there will be Lorenzo Ramagna

Concert program – tribute to Lorenzo Perosi in the 150th  anniversary of his birth.

The preview brings us closer to the 2022’s edition of the International Festival of Sacred Franciscan Music that will enliven the franciscan places in Assisi and in Santa Maria degli Angeli from the 20th to the 23rd of October with the participation of 16 groups, choirs and orchestras: more than 370 artists coming from different parts of Italy. “Et dame fede dricta”: this is the theme of the festival that has reached its ninth edition.

The concert that is occurring on thursday the 20th of October will kick off the festival at 9 p.m. in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli with the Vocal Group “ArmoniosoInCanto” coming from Perugia.

The two following days will be rich in events thanks to three concerts.

The first concert of Friday the 21st of October will start at 11:30 a.m. in the Church of Santa Maria in Minerva with the “Medievales Ætnei” Ensemble coming from Paternò. In the afternoon, it will be the turn of the “Laudate et Benedicite” Liturgic Choir from Sassari that will perform in the Santa Chiarella Oratory at 5 p.m.

The day is ending with the concert of the Manos Blancas Choir from San Vito al Tagliamento with the cooperation of Noincanto e Naonis Clarinet Ensemble and the Choir of Ittireddu (Ittireddu SS): it will occur at 9 p.m. in the Saint Rufino Cathedral.

On saturday the 23rd of October the music will start enliven the franciscan places at 11 a.m. in Saint Peter Church. Two choirs are going to perform their concerts: the Polimnia Polyphonic Choir (Padule SA) and the Magnificat Choir (Barrafranca EN). In the afternoon, at 4, the concert will take place in Saint Pater Church with the “Sturm und Drang” Polyphonic Choir coming from Paternò and the Choir of the Basilica of Sorrento.

As usual, the Saturday night appointment will be the moment for a collective meeting that will allow to all participating groups to meet each other in a unique shared concert. They are going to sing all toghether on saturday the 23rd of October at 8:30 p.m. in the Saint Francis Upper Basilica.

Music scores of the franciscan songs performed during the festival will be put on sale at the Sacred Convent shop and at the International Franciscan Library.

The festival is realized thanks to the contribution of the Ministry of Culture, the Umbria Region, the City of Assisi and the Pontifical Council for Culture.


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